Bloom Box - Bloom Energy

Panic Tukhieamhyga when the company signed new to California. "Bloom Energy Engineering (Bloom Energy)" to start the fuel cell innovative technology for energy production on their behalf, "Bloom Box (Box Bloom)" official last week when the medium.

IT camps - military units - American authorities believe that due to enjoyment too. This is the way of the future will be able to resolve the huge losses of energy costs to feed the giant computer servers farm. And the pollution that will affect the children on this planet.

Full name is Bloom Bloom Energy Box Server was launched in eBay's headquarters in California. Among the participants presented many familiar names such as Arnold Parker Java brand in the world. Gov. California, Colin takes the former Ernst & Young, Foreign Minister of the United States, Larry Page, founder of one of Google and John Dole Na Ho, CEO of eBay as a customer number. from Bloom's inbox.

California gov. believe. Technology in Bloom box will not affect the way the consumption of electricity in California alone. But it will affect the whole world. Because fuel cells made from silicon. (Extracted from sand) is mixed with air using different fuels such as hydrogen or natural gas is เธ. In order to generate electricity. Results from Bloom box is selected, the user can use as fuel in local. Enabling use in remote areas around the world can more freely.

Here Bloom Energy and Energy said. Each local "In Honor Rica" more. It can be used as fuel. But not recommended as the best fuel.

"Bloom Energy and Energy is committed to creating clean energy and stability. Anyone who can reach it. We believe it will revolutionize the energy world. There are similarities to revolutionize mobile communication world," R. Dr. Ec .. As dried (Dr. KR sridhar), CEO and co-founder of Bloom Energy and Energy said.

Server maximum capacity of Bloom Energy is to build 100 kilowatts of power from the cost price of electricity is only 9 cents per kilowatt hour. Compared with normal Americans to pay the costs 14-15 cents per kilowatt. A relatively high price to address. 700000-800000 USD, which believes that prices will fall again if the more open production lines in the future.

Reports indicate that. Two leading-Cola - Coca Cola Google Wal-Mart track Apple Inc. have purchased eBay Inc. inbox Bloom Engineering Sector Enterprise version to use this point of Bloom Energy. energy states that the birth plan Bloom box version used in houses since 2020, or another 10 years.

In addition to serving multiple fuels unique. What will local use around the world can now make in a flexible and cost Bloom box based on clean energy technologies, such as wind or solar. What is not developed to produce enough energy and stamina as the Bloom box could. And a guarantee that. Bloom Box, which can provide energy less than the pollution created by traditional coal-fired power 67%.

However, Bloom is the weakness of the temperature boxes. For Bloom Box is currently very high temperatures.

Last Bloom Energy and Energy has been backed by investors and can raise capital reached 400 million dollars already. Results from the current strength of the excellent response to the IT industry in the valley of silicon, such as leaders of Google as Larry. Page states that he plans to make data centers of all Google based Bloom mailbox in the future.

Similarly, former minister. Colin. Power Ernst & Young believe that the Bloom box could be a source of great military power there. Bloom is the box they tend to multiply more impact.