iPhone 4G

Source rumors of land under Osom. Sources within the news spread widely spoken by a second operator operations KT. Under the agreement signed the new iPhone on the market successfully. Eventually in June this earth Osom Henry May will be a while. To announce its official launch. Of course. This is another new rumors Press. To create the iPhone 4G is the time to watch each other, what should the new iPhone will come with a front camera. After three earlier versions did not come to a place. Of course, support call to see each other eye to see the page called Video Call, and improved battery life, full of players short. Do not worry about using it. The test device of the new iPhone will arrive in CA until April or May However, the KT, but not LTE network to test the speed of the era 4G and 4G networks around the world still does not work. Only a few countries that allow real. Some countries will open in another experiment. But most of the time. Not available Out. In addition, our house would not talk about 3G to see this dust, we called iPhone 4G. May face name change is because the iPhone version 4 before any results each 4G technology.